N-95ED SAS/B  e007431

(8 customer reviews)

USD 282.00

JICO Number: e007431 Category:


Manufacturer : SHURE
Super Analog Stylus (SAS) Profile Tip
The tip of the is carefully chosen from single-crystal natural diamonds. The laser-cut diamond closely resembles that of the cutting stylus used on a cutting lathe to produce the acetate master disks used in vinyl production. This allows the SAS tip to reach into the deepest recesses of the record groove in order to retrieve details which were previously inaccessible to other stylus profiles. Due to its wide contact area with the groove wall, the SAS can reproduce a more expansive bandwidth of information with higher fidelity.
is one of the most suitable materials for cantilevers. its density is low, Young’s modulus is large, and the speed of sound propagation is approximately 2.6 times faster than that of aluminum. Due to the characteristics above, boron cantilever can more precisely trace the information contained in the record grooves than aluminum cantilever.


#n95ed #n 95 ed #n-95 ed #N95ED #N 95 ED

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Cartridge number

Tracking Force




8 reviews for N-95ED SAS/B


    Стал счастливым обладателем данной иглы.Хорошая игла!(Но душа больше лежит к 95ED E/Z) Огромное спасибо!

  2. Anonymous

    Very good sound. Parfait, mais très chère sans compter les taxes de douanes (pour l’envoie en France: quarante huit eur )…

  3. Anonymous

    Absolutely perfect too!!
    To French readers… taxe ultra salée tva normal mals des frais de dossier de plus de 20€… un foutage de gueule bien digne de la période actuelle. Le stylet en vaut vraiment la peine, JICO n’y est pour rien mais il fallait le signaler.

    Regards 🙂

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